pozno znow
miala byc dzisiaj notka ale jednak jej nie bedzie. znowu zbyt zmeczony jestem zeby napisac cos tworczego, wiec bede odtworczy i moze cos w klimatach okolo religii skoro Swieta sie zblizaja:
"If God had a fridge, He would have your picture on it.
If He had a wallet, your picture would be in it.
He sends you flowers in spring.
He sends you a sunrise every morning.
Each time you want to talk to Him, He listens.
He can live in any part of the Universe, but He chose your heart.
Face Him my friend, He is crazy for you!
God didn't promise you days without pain, smile without sadness, sun without rain, but He promised you strength for each day, consolation for your tears, and light for your path."
Wesolych Swiat. Bog oddal za nas zycie...... chyba naprawde musi nas lubic skoro to zrobil :) Niech te Swieta beda spokojne, rodzinne i pelne wiary.
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